Perpetual Stream


The PerpetualStream allows declaration of a stream that would start when the server starts and stop gracefully without dropping messages when the server stops. It is commonly used for message consumers from Kafka or JMS, but also used as a consolidation point for data from multiple streams received through HTTP requests.

PerpetualStream can be customized in various ways to fit your streams' needs. Those are discussed in the sections listed below:


PerpetualStream is part of core squbs. In general, you do not need to add an extra dependency. The classes are part of the following dependency:

"org.squbs" %% "squbs-unicomplex" % squbsVersion


The PerpetualStream gets exposed as the PerpetualStream trait for Scala and AbstractPerpertualStream abstract class for Java. For brevity, we'll refer to both as PerpetualStream.

Basic Use


Streams making use of PerpetualStream will want to materialize to certain known types, allowing the hooks in PerpetualStream to work seamlessly with minimal amount of custom overrides. The options are:

  • Materialize to a Future[_], meaning a future of any type. In this case the shared killSwitch from PerpetualStream should be embedded or shutdown() would need to be overridden.
  • Materialize to a (KillSwitch, Future[_]) tuple. The KillSwitch will be used for initiating the shutdown of the stream.
  • Materialize to a List or any Product (Lists, Tuples are all subtypes of Product) where the first element is a KillSwitch and the last element is a Future.

Streams with different materialized values can still be used but shutdown() needs to be overridden.

Common examples for well behaved streams can be seen below:

class WellBehavedStream extends PerpetualStream[Future[Done]] {

  def generator = Iterator.iterate(0) { p => 
    if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 

  val source = Source.fromIterator(generator _)

  val ignoreSink = Sink.ignore

  override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.createGraph(ignoreSink) {
    implicit builder =>
      sink =>
        import GraphDSL.Implicits._
        source ~> killSwitch.flow[Int] ~> sink

Alternatively, the following code shows another conformant PerpetualStream materializing its first element as KillSwitch:

class WellBehavedStream2 extends PerpetualStream[(KillSwitch, Future[Done])] {

  def generator = Iterator.iterate(0) { p => 
    if (p == Int.MaxValue) 0 else p + 1 

  val source = Source.fromIterator(generator _)

  val ignoreSink = Sink.ignore

  override def streamGraph = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(
    GraphDSL.createGraph(KillSwitch.single[Int], ignoreSink)((_,_)) { implicit builder =>
      (kill, sink) =>
        import GraphDSL.Implicits._
        source ~> kill ~> sink

That's it. These streams are well behaved because they materialize to the sink's materialized value, which is a Future[Done] in the first example, or a (KillSwitch, Future[Done]) in the second one.


Streams making use of AbstractPerpetualStream will want to materialize to certain known types, allowing the hooks in AbstractPerpetualStream to work seamlessly with minimal amount of custom overrides. The options are:

  • Materialize to a CompletionStage<?>, meaning a Java CompletionStage of any type. In this case the shared killSwitch from AbstractPerpetualStream should be embedded or shutdown() would need to be overridden.
  • Materialize to a Pair<KillSwitch, CompletionStage<?>>. The KillSwitch will be used for initiating the shutdown of the stream.
  • Materialize to a java.util.List where the first element is a KillSwitch and the last element is a CompletionStage.

Streams with different materialized values can still be used but shutdown() needs to be overridden.

Common examples for well behaved streams can be seen below:

public class WellBehavedStream extends AbstractPerpetualStream<CompletionStage<Done>> {

    Sink<Integer, CompletionStage<Done>> ignoreSink = Sink.ignore();

    public RunnableGraph<CompletionStage<Done>>> streamGraph() {
        return RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(ignoreSink, (builder, sink) -> {
            SourceShape<Integer> source = builder.add(
                    Source.unfold(0, i -> {
                        if (i == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                            return Optional.of(Pair.create(0, i));
                        } else {
                            return Optional.of(Pair.create(i + 1, i));

            FlowShape<Integer, Integer> killSwitch= builder.add(killSwitch().<Integer>flow());


            return ClosedShape.getInstance();

Alternatively, the following code shows another conformant PerpetualStream materializing its first element as KillSwitch:

public class WellBehavedStream2 extends
        AbstractPerpetualStream<Pair<KillSwitch, CompletionStage<Done>>> {

    Sink<Integer, CompletionStage<Done>> ignoreSink = Sink.ignore();

    public RunnableGraph<Pair<KillSwitch, CompletionStage<Done>>>> streamGraph() {
        return RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(KillSwitches.<Integer>single(),
            ignoreSink, Pair::create, (builder, kill, sink) -> {
                SourceShape<Integer> source = builder.add(
                        Source.unfold(0, i -> {
                            if (i == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                                return Optional.of(Pair.create(0, i));
                            } else {
                                return Optional.of(Pair.create(i + 1, i));


                return ClosedShape.getInstance();

That's it. These streams are well behaved because they materialize to the sink's materialized value, which is a CompletionStage<Done> in the first example, or a Pair<KillSwitch, CompletionStage<Done>> in the second one.

Override Lifecycle State to run the stream

There may be scenarios where a stream need to be materialized at a different lifecycle than active. In such scenarios, override streamRunLifecycleState, e.g.,:

override lazy val streamRunLifecycleState: LifecycleState = Initializing
public LifecycleState streamRunLifecycleState() {
    return Initializing.instance();

Shutdown Overrides

It is sometimes not possible to define a well behaved stream. For instance, the Sink may not materialize to a Future or CompletionStage or you need to do further cleanup at shutdown. For this reason, it is possible to override shutdown as in the following code:

override def shutdown(): Future[Done] = {
  // Do all your cleanup
  // For safety, call super
  // The Future from super.shutdown may not mean anything.
  // Feel free to create your own future that identifies the
  // stream being done. Return your Future instead.
public CompletionStage<Done> shutdown() {
    // Do all your cleanup
    // For safety, call super
    // The Future from super.shutdown may not mean anything.
    // Feel free to create your own future that identifies the
    // stream being done. Return your Future instead.

shutdown needs to do the following:

  1. Initiate the shutdown of the stream.
  2. Do any other cleanup.
  3. Return the future that completes when the stream has finished processing.

Note: It is always advisable to call super.shutdown. There is no harm or other side-effect in making this call.

Alternate Shutdown Mechanisms

The source may not materialize to KillSwitch and provide a better way to do a proper shutdown than using the killSwitch. Just use the shutdown mechanism of the source in such cases and override shutdown to initiate the shutdown of the source. The killSwitch remains unused.

Kill Switch Overrides

If the killSwitch needs to be shared across multiple streams, you can override killSwitch to reflect the shared instance.

override lazy val killSwitch = mySharedKillSwitch
public SharedKillSwitch killSwitch() {
    return KillSwitches.shared("myKillSwitch");

Receiving and forwarding a message to the stream

Some streams take input from actor messages. While it is possible for some stream configurations to materialize to the ActorRef of the source, it is difficult to address this actor. Since PerpetualStream itself is an actor, it can have a well known address/path and forward to message to the stream source. To do so, we need to override the receive or createReceive() as follows:

override def receive = {
  case msg: MyStreamMessage =>
    val (sourceActorRef, _) = matValue
    sourceActorRef forward msg
public Receive createReceive() {
    return receiveBuilder()
            .match(MyStreamMessage.class, msg -> {
                ActorRef sourceActorRef = matValue().first();
                sourceActorRef.forward(msg, getContext());

Handling Stream Errors

The PerpetualStream default behavior resumes on errors uncaught by the stream stages. The message causing the error is ignored. Override decider if a different behavior is desired.

override def decider: Supervision.Decider = { t => 
  log.error("Uncaught error {} from stream", t)
public akka.japi.function.Function<Throwable, Supervision.Directive> decider() {
    return t -> {
        log().error("Uncaught error {} from stream", t);
        return Supervision.restart();

Restart will restart the stage that has an error without shutting down the stream. Please see Supervision Strategies for possible strategies.

Connecting a Perpetual Stream with an HTTP Flow

Akka HTTP allows defining a Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed], which gets materialized for each http connection. There are scenarios where an app needs to connect the http flow to a long running stream that needs to be materialized only once (e.g., publishing to Kafka). Akka HTTP enables end-to-end streaming in such scenarios with MergeHub. squbs provides utilities to connect an http flow with a PerpetualStream that uses MergeHub.

Below are sample PerpetualStream implementations - two Scala and two Java equivalents, all using MergeHub. Type parameter Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed] describes the inlet of the RunnableGraph instance that will be used as a destination (Sink) by the http flow part in HttpFlowWithMergeHub further down. First a simplest outline of the logic:

class PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub extends PerpetualStream[Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]] {

  override lazy val streamRunLifecycleState: LifecycleState = Initializing

    * Describe your graph by implementing streamGraph
    * @return The graph.
  override def streamGraph= MergeHub.source[MyMessage].to(Sink.ignore)
public class PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub extends AbstractPerpetualStream<Sink<MyMessage, NotUsed>> {

    public LifecycleState streamRunLifecycleState() {
        return Initializing.instance();

     * Describe your graph by implementing streamGraph
     * @return The graph.
    public RunnableGraph<Sink<MyMessage, NotUsed>> streamGraph() {
        return MergeHub.of(MyMessage.class).to(Sink.ignore());

From outside prospective (by http flow) this class is seen as terminal Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed], which means that PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub expects to receive MyMessage on its inlet and will not emit anything out, i.e. its outlet is plugged. From the inside prospective MergeHub is the source of MyMessages. Those messages are passed to Sink.ignore, which is nothing. MergeHub.source[MyMessage] produces runtime instance, with inlet of type Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed], which conforms to PerpetualStream[Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]] type parameter. The .to(Sink.ignore) completes or "closes" this Shape with a plugged outlet. End result is an instance of RunnableGraph[Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]]

A bit more involved example using GraphDSL:

final case class MyMessage(ip:String, ts:Long)
final case class MyMessageEnrich(ip:String, ts:Long, enrichTs:List[Long])

class PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub extends PerpetualStream[Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]]  {

  override lazy val streamRunLifecycleState: LifecycleState = Initializing

  // inlet - destination for MyMessage messages
  val source = MergeHub.source[MyMessage]

  //outlet - discard messages
  val sink = Sink.ignore

  //flow component, which supposedly does something to MyMessage
  val preprocess = Flow[MyMessage].map{inMsg =>
      val outMsg = MyMessageEnrich(ip=inMsg.ip, ts = inMsg.ts, enrichTs = List.empty[Long])
      println(s"Message inside stream=$inMsg")

    // building a flow based on another flow, to do some dummy enrichment
  val enrichment = Flow[MyMessageEnrich].map{inMsg=>
      val outMsg = MyMessageEnrich(ip=inMsg.ip.replaceAll("\\.","-"), ts = inMsg.ts, enrichTs = System.currentTimeMillis()::inMsg.enrichTs)
      println(s"Enriched Message inside enrich step=$outMsg")

    * Describe your graph by implementing streamGraph
    * @return The graph.
  override def streamGraph: RunnableGraph[Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]] = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(
    GraphDSL.createGraph(source) { implicit builder=>
        input =>  
          import GraphDSL.Implicits._

          input ~> killSwitch.flow[MyMessage] ~> preprocess ~> enrichment ~> sink

public class PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub extends AbstractPerpetualStream<Sink<MyMessage, NotUsed>> {

    // inlet - destination for MyMessage messages
    Source<MyMessage, Sink<MyMessage, NotUsed>> source = MergeHub.of(MyMessage.class);

    public LifecycleState streamRunLifecycleState() {
        return Initializing.instance();

     * Describe your graph by implementing streamGraph
     * @return The graph.
    public RunnableGraph<Sink<MyMessage, NotUsed>> streamGraph() {
        return RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(source, (builder, input) -> {

            FlowShape<MyMessage, MyMessage> killSwitch = builder.add(killSwitch().<MyMessage>flow());

            //flow component, which supposedly does something to MyMessage
            FlowShape<MyMessage, MyMessageEnrich> preProcess = builder.add(Flow.<MyMessage>create().map(inMsg -> {
                MyMessageEnrich outMsg = new MyMessageEnrich(inMsg.ip, inMsg.ts, new ArrayList<>());
                System.out.println("Message inside stream=" + inMsg);
                return outMsg;

            // building a flow based on another flow, to do some dummy enrichment
            FlowShape<MyMessageEnrich, MyMessageEnrich> enrichment =
                    builder.add(Flow.<MyMessageEnrich>create().map(inMsg -> {
                        MyMessageEnrich outMsg = new MyMessageEnrich(inMsg.ip.replaceAll("\\.","-"),
                                inMsg.ts, inMsg.enrichTs);
                        System.out.println("Enriched Message inside enrich step=" + outMsg);
                        return outMsg;

            //outlet - discard messages
            SinkShape<Object> sink = builder.add(Sink.ignore());


            return ClosedShape.getInstance();

Let's see how all parts are falling into a place: streamGraph is expected to return RunnableGraph with the same type parameter as described in PerpetualStream[Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]]. Our source is a MergeHub, it is expected to receive a MyMessage, which makes its materialized (runtime) type a Sink[MyMessage,NotUsed]. Our graph is built starting with our source, by passing it as a parameter to GraphDSL.create(s:Shape) constructor. The result is an instance of RunnableGraph[Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]], which is a ClosedShape with Sink inlet and plugged outlet.

Potentially confusing part when looking at this example is mixing Sink and source names to refer to the same. It looks a bit strange in English. Let's use outside vs. inside prospective explanation again: From the outside prospective our component is seen as a Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]. This is achieved by using MergeHub, which from the inside prospective is a source of the messages hence val name source. Correspondingly, in the event we need to emit something out, our val sink will be actually some shape with outlet of type Source[MyMessage, NotUsed].

Let's add the above PerpetualStream in squbs-meta.conf. Please see Well Known Actors for more details.

cube-name =
cube-version = "0.0.1"
squbs-services = [
    class-name =
    web-context = mergehub
squbs-actors = [
    class-name =
    name = perpetualStreamWithMergeHub

The HTTP FlowDefinition can be connected to the PerpetualStream as follows by extending PerpetualStreamMatValue and using matValue method. Type parameter for the PerpetualStreamMatValue describes the data type flowing between the HTTP flow and the MergeHub. (both versions of PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub above expect to receive MyMessage, i.e. both have inlet of a type Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]).

class HttpFlowWithMergeHub extends FlowDefinition with PerpetualStreamMatValue[MyMessage] {

  override val flow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed] =
      .map { myMessage => HttpResponse(entity = s"Received Id: ${}") }

The HTTP FlowDefinition can be connected to the PerpetualStream as follows by extending FlowToPerpetualStream instead of FlowDefinition directly. Note that FlowToPerpetualStream is a FlowDefinition. We use the matValue method as the sink to send HTTP messages to the MergeHub defined in the PerpetualStream.

class HttpFlowWithMergeHub extends FlowToPerpetualStream {

    private final Materializer mat = Materializer.createMaterializer(context().system());
    private final MarshalUnmarshal mu = new MarshalUnmarshal(context().system().dispatcher(), mat);

    public Flow<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed> flow() {
        return Flow.<HttpRequest>create()
                .mapAsync(1, req -> mu.apply(unmarshaller(MyMessage.class), req.entity()))
                .map(myMessage -> HttpResponse.create().withEntity("Received Id: " + myMessage.ip));

Let's see what's happening here: matValue method finds the RunnableGraph component registered under the /user/mycube/perpetualStreamWithMergeHub. This happens to be the bootstrapped instance of our PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub. alsoTo expects result of matValue to be a Sink for MyMessage. I.e. Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed]. And as we've seen above this is exactly what PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub.streamGraph will produce. (Remembering our two prospectives: here alsoTo looks at PerpetualStreamWithMergeHub from the outside prospective and sees a Sink[MyMessage, NotUsed].)