Experimental Support for Akka HTTP

At this point, Akka HTTP support is still experimental. It will ultimately replace Spray as the HTTP engine for squbs as soon as performance, stability, and feature parity is achieved.

Enabling Akka HTTP Experimental

To enable experimental Akka HTTP support, set the following configuration in application.conf: squbs.experimental-mode-on = true

Programmatic Differences

For Akka HTTP, you need to declare your route using a different RouteDefinition trait than a Spray route. Change your import statement for RouteDefinition as follows:

From: import org.squbs.unicomplex.RouteDefinition

To: import org.squbs.unicomplex.streaming.RouteDefinition

Next, declare your route using Akka HTTP directives. If you're migrating from Spray, you can often just replace your imports as follows:

From: import spray.routing.Directives._

To: import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._

But there are differences. Please see the documentation for Akka HTTP directives for detail.


These modules replace previous modules when using Akka HTTP. You need to ensure these are added to your libraryDependencies in your build.sbt instead of the default versions.

  1. StreamingPipeline: Akka streams version of the Pipeline, based upon Akka Streams' BidiFlow. This artifact squbs-streamingpipeline replaces squbs-pipeline for Akka HTTP. It allows users or infrastructure teams to implement request/response filters as BidiFlow elements and registering them to the pipeline. Please consult Streaming Pipeline documentation for detail.

  2. Console for Akka HTTP: The squbs-admin-exp module replaces squbs-admin in Akka HTTP experimental mode. It uses the Akka HTTP interfaces instead of the Spray interfaces. In experimental mode, users have to modify their build.sbt and use this dependency instead of squbs-admin.